Svystunova I. V.,Prorochenko C. C.,Burko L. M.,Chumachenko I.P.,Voitsekhivskyi V. I.,Poltoretskyi S. P.,Shuvar A. M.,Puiu V. L.,Vaskivska S. V.,Nochvina O. V.,Chukhleb L. I.
An important role in the creation of a strong fodder base for animal husbandry belongs to the improvement of the efficiency of the use of natural fodder lands.The latter are a source of economically profitable grass feed, well balanced in terms of protein, mineral substances and vitamins, and also act as a factor in improving the ecological situation in agricultural landscapes, protecting soils from erosion and water sources from siltation and pollution. In Ukraine, the area of grassland is about 7.8 million hectares, of which 1 million hectares are in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe.However, today their fodder production and environmental protection capabilities are not used to their full extent, since the technological methods used in the creation and use of sown grass stands are usually too energy- and resource-consuming.
The relevance of scientific research on increasing the production potential of onion pasture lands is especially growing at the current stage of the European integration of our country into the EU countries, where the requirements for the quality and safety of fodder are very high.An important parameter of the quality and safety of plant feeds is their mineral composition. The purpose of the research was to study the influence of technological methods of growing alfalfa-cereal grass mixtures on the chemical composition of fodder in the conditions of the right-bank forest-steppe.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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