Khomenko T. O.,Tonkha O. L.,Puzniаk O. M.,Havryliuk O. S.
Organic farming is gaining increasing popularity due to growing demand for environmentally friendly organic produce. However, to cultivate high and sustainable yields of organic products, it is important to use biological preparations. Biological preparations have different mechanisms of action aimed at improving nutrient availability and absorption, enhancing physiological processes, stimulating plant growth and development, as well as protecting crops from diseases and pests. To optimize the cultivation technology and select the right combination of biological preparations, research is necessary to demonstrate the impact of these preparations on plants at different stages of development. The aim of this study was to determine the comprehensive effect of biological preparations with different functionalities depending on the methods of application on the induction of chlorophyll fluorescence in potato leaves under organic cultivation technology. The research was conducted at the Volyn State Agricultural Research Station of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.
In a two-factor study, the effects of the EcoStern destructor at a dose of 1.2 liters/hectare and the biological preparations Mikohelp, Agat, Regoplant, Fitohelp, and Stimp were investigated. Measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence induction parameters were carried out using the portable fluorometer "Flora-test," which provides express diagnostics of the plant's condition at early stages of its development.
The comprehensive application of the biodestructor with biological preparations resulted in the improvement of photosynthetic processes. An increase in the parameters Fmax, Fv, Fv/Fmax, (Fmax - Fst)/Fst relative to the control was established. The best results in terms of photosynthesis productivity (Fv/Fmax) were observed with the application of the biodestructor EcoStern (1.2 liters/hectare) in combination with the application of Mikohelp in the soil at 2.0 liters/hectare and foliar application of Fitohelp at 1.0 liter/hectare.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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