Allelic polymorphism of microsatelite DNA locі of egg chikens


Shelyov A.V., ,Kopylov K.V.,Prokopenko N.P.,Kramarenko S.S.,Kramarenko A.S., , , ,


The analysis of allelic polymorphism of five industrial egg crosses of chickens by five microsatellite DNA loci (ADL0268, MCW216, LEI0094, ADL0278, and MCW248) was carried out. DNA loci were chosen according to the recommendations of the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG). Based on the results of mathematical-statistical processing and data analysis, the spectra and frequencies of allelic variability, the peculiarities of allele pools, were identified, and unique alleles were identified. In general, the species Gallus gallus is characterized by a specific character of allelic spectra for all investigated microsatellite DNA loci (P <0.001). The highest rates of allelic variability were recorded in brown crosses "Lohmann brown" and "Hisex brown" (Na (LimNa)=(9.2 (5-17) and 7.4 (6-11), respectively). The studied crosses were characterized by a shift in allelic spectra towards a decrease in the fragment length. “Lohmann white” stands out among the birds of other crosses by high consolidation for individual alleles for all studied microsatellites (from ADL278114 – 0.343 and ADL268108 – 0.485 to LEI094259 – 0.720, MCW0248213 – 0.785 and MCW0216137 – 0.920). Unique alleles with the highest frequency were found in brown cross chickens, and in the “Hy-Line W-98” bird, they were not found. The number of unique alleles identified varied from 1 ("Hisex white") to 11 ("Lohmann brown"). Locus LEI094 turned out to be the most polymorphic in terms of the number of unique alleles – 10 such allelic variants were identified for it. No unique alleles were identified at the ADL0268 locus. The obtained estimates criterion χ2 of K. Pearson indicate significant differences in the frequency distribution of alleles for all studied loci. When using the MICROSATELLITE ANALYSER software, it was found that the nature of the variability of the studied microsatellite DNA loci in five industrial crosses of the egg chickens, both in the number of identified alleles and in the nature of their distribution, corresponded to the stepwise mutation model (SMM).


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

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