Microstructure of submucosal nervous plexuses of intestines of ducks


Makhotyna D.S.,


There are presented the results of the experimental research of the histological structure of the submucosal nerve plexuses in the intestines of domestic ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) of 9 age groups from diurnal to 1-year-old of the black White-Breasted breed. The definitions of topography, number, ganglia area, as well as density of neurons in them were determined on cross sections of the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum and rectum. It is defined the nerve nodes and submucosal strands belonging to the enteric nervous system are located between the lamina muscularis mucosae and the inner layer of muscular tunic. In the cross section of the intestinal wall, the submucosal ganglia have the shape of narrow strips. In order to generalize the morphofunctional state of the nerve plexuses, there were determined two parameters: the average age indicator (AAI) of the intestine and intestine. AAI of a certain structure of each intestine was determined as the arithmetic mean of the values of its 9 age indicators. The AAI of a particular intestinal structure was determined as the arithmetic mean of the AAI quantities of the structure of all five intestines. The average number of submucosal ganglia did not increase with the age of the ducks, but changed with varying degrees of reliability in comparison with the previous age. In the intestines of diurnal to 1-day – 1-year-old ducks, the smallest number of submucosal ganglia was found in the cecum, and the largest was found in the rectum. The general pattern of the size dynamics of the submucosal ganglia in the intestines of ducks is an increase with age in their average area. There was found the smallest area of submucosal ganglia in the ileum in the group of ducks of different ages, and the largest was found in the duodenum and cecum. The lowest density of neurons in the submucosal ganglia is found in the cecum, the highest was found in the rectum. Changes in the morphometric parameters of the nerve plexuses ganglia in the intestines of ducks indicate the dynamic nature of changes in the morphofunctional state of the enteric nervous system.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine








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