Productivity of quails at different levels of glycine in feed


Grechkivsky I.M., ,Kryvenok M.Ya.,Mykhalska V.M., ,


It is established that the growth of young quails depends on the optimal glycine content in the feed. The article presents data on the use of compound feed with different levels of glycine in the feeding of young quails of meat productivity. The research was conducted in the vivarium of the Department of Animal Feeding and Feed Technology. PD Wheat on quail breed Pharaoh. 300 day-old quails were selected for the experiment and three groups were formed. The level of glycine in feed for experimental animals was regulated by the introduction into its composition of a synthetic preparation of this amino acid by weight dosing and stepwise mixing. It was found that the live weight of quails depended on the glycine content in their diet. Thus, from the age of 14 days, the quails of the second and third groups had a live weight higher by 1.2% and 1%, respectively, compared to the control. At 21 days of age, the live weight of quails of the second group, which was fed feed containing 1.50% glycine, was 0.9% higher than in the control group, and the third group, with the level of glycine 1.60% – 1% lower. When feeding quail feed with a content of 1.50% glycine, their live weight at 28 days of age was 1.5% (P<0.01) greater than the control, and the live weight of birds of the third group was 1.5% (P <0.01) less. At the age of 35 days, the quails of the second group had the largest live weight, which is 0.9% more than the birds of the control group. During the first week of life, quails of the second group had an average daily gain less than analogues from the control group by 1.9%; and a week later, this figure increased by 2.6% compared to control. The highest average daily gain for the entire period of the experiment was in poultry of the second group – 8.72 g, which is 0.9% higher than in the control. Thus, it was found that feeding quails compound feed with a glycine content of 1.50% contributes to an increase in their live weight by 0.94%, average daily gains – by 0.9%, and reducing feed costs per 1 kg of growth by 1.4%.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

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