Optimization of biotechnological process clonal micropropagation in vitro of Asparagus officinalis L.


Kolomiiets YORCID, ,Skuba AORCID,


The study presents the results of obtaining regenerated plants of asparagus from seeds. Surface sterilizing the seeds by 0,75% sodium hypochlorite for 30 min is effective, during this obtained 83% viable sterile plants. The Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 6‑benzylaminopurine (2 mg/L), inositol (100 mg/L) and thiamine (0,4 mg/L) was found to be the best for seed germination. The expediency of using kinetin (1 mg/L) as a growth regulator to obtain a homogeneous plant material was established. The reproduction coefficient was 6,0. Only 11% of the explants formed callus. For the selection needs and production of somaclonal variants, the use of the culture medium with indole-3-acetic acid (0,2 mg/L) and 6‑benzylaminopurine (1 mg/L) is justified. In this condition reproduction coefficient was 3,7, and the level of different intensity callusogenesis was 59%. The rooting of obtained plants was performed in Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with a half dose of macro- and micronutrients and growth regulators. Rooting frequency was up to 63%. The knowledge of hormonal requirements helps to promote isolated tissue and cells technologies of asparagus with purpose of rapid propagation and obtaining healthy, high-quality planting material.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine








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