
Lisovyy M.,Chaika V.


From the corpses of the imago of grain moth the selected strain of bacteria (0376), which on the grounds of spore and crystal formation were referred to the group of B. thuringiensis. On the 10th day of the experiment the death of the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say.) when using a strain of B. thuringiensis 0376 accounted for 100% (if deaths in the control to 2.3%). The expediency of cultivation of a strain of B. thuringiensis 0376 in the volume of the nutrient medium 600ml. Tested the effectiveness of the obtained liquid spore culture on the larvae of Colorado potato beetles. Shown the insecticidal efficacy of B. thuringiensis 0376, which was evident in the number of mines per plant of chickpea – 111,6-152,4 min. per plant, depending on cultivar, whereas in the control variant, the figures were 202,0-342,0 min. studies have shown that a new strain of B. thuringiensis 0376 exhibits substantial biological efficacy in relation to the regulation of the number of gram miner (Liriomiza cicerina Rd.)


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Aerospace Engineering

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