The problem of pesticide residues on agricultural land does not lose its relevance, as new drugs appear that can be toxic to the natural environment. Biopreparations that have restorative properties in the soil are widely used in the world.
The use of biological preparations of microbial origin can cause a combination of various processes that can contribute to the improvement of soil properties, its remediation, etc. Especially important from the ecological point of view is the reduction of the manifestation of toxic properties of pesticide residues in the soil. Biopreparation Soil algae is a microbial biopreparation obtained by cultivating Noctoc commune bacteria using the appropriate technology. In turn, Noctoc commune bacteria have the ability to activate the processes of microbiological activity of the soil.
To study the effect of the biological preparation Soil algae, field (application of the biological preparation in various concentrations to fields with a known pesticide background) and laboratory (conducting biotesting to find out the effect of the biological preparation on the toxic properties of pesticides) studies.
Biotesting was carried out by various methods to determine the effect of the biological preparation at various stages of growth and development of agricultural crops, on the processes of microbiological transformation in the soil.
The toxicity of pesticide residues was determined in a typical medium-loamy chernozem after a field study conducted on the basis of the Agronomic Research Station of the NUBiP of Ukraine. Determination of the effect of biofertilizer Soil algae on soil toxicity was carried out using various methods, namely: determination of soil phytotoxicity on watercress, red-tip radish, peas, and durum wheat crops; determination of the inhibitory effect of biofertilizer on the growth of higher plants; study of the total number of soil microorganisms; research of the nitrifying ability of the soil according to the Kravkov method and the inhibitory effect on soil mineralization.
Phytotoxicity of typical medium-loam chernozem soil decreased with increasing drug concentration, but only up to a certain limit. The rate of the biological preparation of 8 l/ha led to an increase in the number of germinated seeds of watercress, radish, peas and durum wheat. This can be evidenced by the ability of Noctoc commune bacteria to influence processes in the soil, which contribute to reducing the toxic properties of pesticide residues in the soil.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine