Peculiarities of primary school teachers 'work with students in the intercultural space of Transcarpathia


Oros I. I.,Zorochkina T. S.,Chichuk A. P.,Bida O. A.


The article proves that in the conditions of globalization and inclusion of Ukrainian education in the single European educational space and in order to preserve national identity, the experience of Transcarpathia as a polyethnic region is especially important. The need to update the content, forms of organization of education in primary schools in a polyethnic environment motivates increased requirements for the active use of already accumulated pedagogical experience, adaptation of leading ideas of the past to modern requirements and challenges. Training primary school teachers who are ready to interact with representatives of other cultures, exchange cultural values, transmit cultural meanings is a priority of higher education, and its solution contributes to the effective organization of intercultural interaction in Transcarpathia. Necessary principles of creation of intercultural space of primary school in Transcarpathia are outlined. The importance of creating a positive relationship between students, representatives of different cultural groups, especially the intercultural majority and cultural minority, was emphasized. in a higher education institution it is important to form a teacher as a person who is the bearer and guardian of national culture, spiritual values.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Materials Chemistry

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