The article analyzes the basic values of the European educational space, including peace, democracy, human rights, tolerance, humanism and solidarity. Their formation by means of education is the main requirement of full-fledged preparation of a person for life as a citizen and an individual. Each of these values is a kind of part of the spiritual world of the individual, the integrity of which ensures their unity and interaction, transfusion and complementarity. A special place and role in this process belong to such values (competencies) as tolerance and democracy. Tolerance is one of the ascending core values of the European educational space. It is the least politicized and ideologized, and therefore – performs a regulatory function in the system of interaction of these values, ensures their unity both at the individual level and at the team level. Tolerance cultivates a willingness to communicate, cooperate and understanding, allows you to establish constructive communication with representatives of different groups with a different worldview. The same burden is placed on the phenomenon of democracy. The unity of these spiritual priorities, their organic interaction, the power of which extends to the entire axiological palette of spiritual life, forms a universal platform for the humanization and humanization of education, the interaction of educational systems in Europe.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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