Historical and genetic generalization of the evolution of ideas of formation of practical thinking of a personality


Muntian I. V.


The article examines the development of ideas on the formation of practical thinking of an individual. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the evolution of scientific views on practical thinking is considered. It is determined that the essence of practical thinking is inherently focused on ensuring the functioning of human thought processes aimed at solving practical issues and problems that arise in practice and require the use of new schemes of action that have not been used before. The formation and development of practical thinking takes place in the course of a person's direct life activity. Practical thinking is inextricably linked to the specific actions that a person takes. The state of modern scientific research on practical thinking is analyzed: the theory of practical intelligence by R. Sternberg, R. Wagner and the concept of tacit knowledge. A generalizing characteristic of practical intelligence is defined. It is believed that practical intelligence refers to the ability of a person to cope with the problems and situations of everyday life. The author identifies the key characteristics of tacit knowledge that illustrate the statement about practical intelligence and tacit knowledge as constructs that are conceptually different from academic intelligence, technical professional knowledge or personal qualities. Tacit knowledge is viewed as an adaptive intellectual resource that arises as a result of active interaction between people and the dynamic environment around them. It is determined that practical intelligence is based on an abstract or generalized representation of specific procedural rules. In addition, practical intelligence is tied to a specific context and cannot be transferred from one area to another. In the context of practical intelligence, the view of competence is expanded, and it is argued that life success is determined by a person's analytical, creative, and practical abilities, which improve with practice and experience.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Materials Chemistry

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