This research is aimed at analyzing modern problematicity of forming the competency-based approach’s essence and perspectives in higher educational institutions within Ukraine; considering it as the modern learning innovative paradigm aimed at the conceptual learning renewal in higher education, its reorientation towards achieving integral learning outcomes (competencies), characterized by personal and social significance, as well as personal socialization and professionalization. For this purpose, the new corporate culture formation at the university, in which all links as well as all education participants are interested in improving the higher education quality, has been examined. To achieve the stated objective theoretical (comparative analysis, synthesis, generalization, modeling) and empirical (questioning) research methods were used. It had outlined three broad approaches applied regarding competence and professional development: 1) competence and behavioristic functionalism; 2) competence as integrated occupationalism; 3) competence as situated professionalism. The research has proved that throughout life as well as professional career, a person is constantly updating, deepening, and improving his three groups of competencies: 1) general (key, basic): personal, social, instrumental, 2) professional and 3) occupational. In the terms of our research, it has been specified that the perspectives of the competency-based approach implementing are to contribute to form the graduate’s willingness to succeed in different areas, including foreign language proficiency.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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