Emotional and ethical leadership of the head of a modern educational institution


Hrechanyk N. I.


In the context of socio-economic challenges, the head of an educational institution must have stress resistance, respond promptly and adequately to changing circumstances of professional activity, effectively prevent and resolve conflicts and prevent professional burnout of participants in the educational process, and have the ability to self-regulate and tolerate. Therefore, in this context, emotional and ethical leadership plays a special role for the head of a modern educational institution, which is an indicator of his/her morality, internal culture, ability to make adequate management decisions and act in accordance with the norms of professional ethics, formed abilities not only to successfully perform functional duties assigned to him/her, but also to build relationships with awareness of the importance of his/her profession and his/her priority leadership position in it. The article defines and substantiates in some aspects the essential and substantive characteristics of the emotional and ethical leadership of the head of a modern educational institution. The main research methods were theoretical methods: analysis and systematization of the results of scientific research on the essential and substantive characteristics of the emotional and ethical leadership of the head of a modern institution. Having analyzed the essential and substantive characteristics of the emotional and ethical leadership of the head of a modern educational institution, the following components were determined: emotional stability, emotional intelligence, ethical and leadership competence. The author's definition of the concept of emotional and ethical leadership of the head of a modern educational institution is proposed, which we interpreted as the ability to realize and appreciate the interdependence of people and systems in the world, to interact constructively and safely with colleagues, as well as to involve others in the educational process on the basis of partnership.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Materials Chemistry

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