Psychosomatic infertility: causes, consequences, solutions


Perepeljuk T. D.


The complex interdisciplinary topic of psychotherapy and psychosomatic medicine in matters of reproduction has attracted the attention of specialists many times. In recent decades, in connection with the growth of problems in the reproductive sphere of people throughout the world, the problem of preserving the reproductive health of the population has become very urgent, which requires the joint efforts of medicine and psychology. This article presents an overview of modern foreign and domestic scientific publications devoted to the study of psychological and psychosomatic characteristics of women with reproductive disorders, as well as psychological predictors and consequences of these problems. The most and least studied psychological aspects of reproductive health disorders are highlighted, research results are described, and the method of psychotherapeutic work with women is mentioned.Reproductive medicine has now achieved impressive success due to the revolutionary development of biotechnology. However, a significant number of women have to struggle unsuccessfully with infertility for many years, the social consequences of this are extremely significant for the family and society in general. Clinicians pay more attention to the mental sphere of patients, accounting for the relationship between the mental and somatic health of infertile women, providing forced childless couples with the necessary psychological help, which will reduce stress during infertility treatment and increase patient satisfaction.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Materials Chemistry

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