Infertility is a growing problem for couples trying to conceive. A growing body of evidence points to a link between mental health and female fertility. A companion of women suffering from infertility, as a rule, is a psychopathological state of varying degrees of distress, which results in the formation of stable stress in most of them. In addition, women's fertility is adversely affected by a number of unchangeable lifestyle factors, such as smoking, increased caffeine and alcohol consumption, stress, chronic exposure to environmental pollutants, and other dietary habits. It has been proven that psychotherapy sessions, which help to cope with stress, significantly increase the chances of conception in women suffering from infertility. In the course of psychotherapy, great attention should be paid to creating an image of yourself as a pregnant woman. An equally significant position is the creation of a truly positive treatment mood, without elements of fear and increased anxiety.The research results allow us to conclude that women who suffer from infertility and turn to reproductive medicine clinics for this reason should not be left without psychotherapeutic support.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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