The features of the legal regulation of state veterinary and sanitary control over the movement of animals


Krasnova Yuliia,Funta Rastislav


The relevance of the study is driven by the need to elucidate the essence of veterinary and sanitary control over the movement of animals at the national level to facilitate its further correlation with the experiences of European countries. The purpose of the study is to analyse the state of the legal provision in the defined sphere and formulate suggestions for enhancing the legal regulation of state veterinary and sanitary control over the movement of animals. The paper uses a system of general scientific methods of cognition (dialectical, formal-logical, analysis, and synthesis), and a special formal-legal method. The paper analyses the national experience of legal regulation of state veterinary and sanitary control over the movement of animals through the disclosure of its features. The essence of state veterinary and sanitary control during the movement of animals is established and its place in the legal system is determined. The boundaries of the legal regulation of this issue are outlined, legal forms of implementing such control, subjects and objects of such activity, the sequence of procedures required by veterinary-sanitary legislation for animal movement, and the specificities of legal responsibility for violations of veterinary and sanitary requirements during animal transportation are defined. The need to develop normatively established requirements for the safe movement of animals is substantiated, which encompass not only the procedures for protecting animals from epizootics and cruel treatment during their preparation for transportation or during transportation itself but also ensure the population’s access to quality and safe food products while guaranteeing the well-being of the animals. The practical importance of the paper lies in a number of proposals for improving Ukrainian legislation in this area.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Polymers and Plastics,History,Business and International Management

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