


The purpose of the publication is to analyze the specifics of international leasing through the study of the sectoral and sectoral specifics of leasing operations. This issue is especially relevant in the conditions of the current economic crisis caused by the full-scale war on the territory of Ukraine. To achieve the goal, general scientific methods were used: statistical and calculation-mathematical ‒ with the help of which all the necessary initial information for the analysis of the specifics of leasing operations was formed; analysis ‒ to assess its effectiveness using investment project effectiveness assessment indicators. Using the method of scientific generalization, the relevance of the topic in the conditions of the economic crisis was revealed. To form the basis of the research, first of all, the dynamics of the development of leasing in different countries was analyzed. The main results of the research, representing a scientific novelty, were: the developed mechanism for concluding and implementing a leasing agreement, analyzed the features of the state regulation of the leasing market of some leading countries of the world. Each country has its own national characteristics and differences in the implementation of leasing operations. International leasing relations at the same time include important elements of credit transactions, investment, rental and commercial activities, which are closely combined and interpenetrate with each other, forming a new organizational and legal form of business. International leasing can be considered a form of export-import of capital, since the reasons for capital migration are the reasons for the export and import of the leasing transaction. The practical significance of the obtained results is that the developed mechanism for concluding and implementing a leasing agreement can be used by both private enterprises and state institutions that conclude leasing agreements. In order to ensure the development of international leasing in Ukraine, it is necessary at the state level to support the development of leasing in general, to improve the current legislation in accordance with international leasing norms, to introduce investment tax benefits for the import of high-tech equipment.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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