Shyshatska sand arena: History, current state, and prospects of afforestation


Bondarenko Yurii,Ivanyuk Igor


Non-afforested lands in Ukraine are the primary instrument for increasing the forest cover of the territory The issue of sand afforestation is relevant in the context of climate change. Treeless sand arenas are a source of dust storms, and deflationary processes that occur lead to negative consequences that are quite difficult to correct in the future. The purpose of this study was to summarise the experience and achievements of the branch “Myrhorod Forest Enterprise” of the State Specialised Commercial Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” in afforestation of mobile sands in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Forest stands are established using one-year-old Scots pine seedlings on sandy soils to achieve the set goal. Testing is conducted using planting material grown under various conditions – in the open ground and in a greenhouse. Extended periods for establishing forest stands beyond agrotechnical terms are examined during the late spring and summer periods using rejuvenated planting material with partially damaged root systems. The current state of plantings within the Shyshatska sand arena is analysed. It is established that in general, the territory of the arena is represented by the entire range of types of forest conditions ranging from bors to mixed broad-leaved forests. The prevailing types of forest-growing conditions are given, among which dry and fresh forests are distinguished. Subors and su-deciduous forests are represented on small areas. Deciduous types of conditions are located mainly in the drained areas of the Psel River floodplain. The main forest-forming species on the territory of the arena is Scots pine, which occupies more than 60% of the territory. Also in the lowlands and floodplains of the Psel River stands of Black Alder and Common Oak grow. In the conditions of bors, Scots pine grows in III – Va bonitet class. In richer conditions, subor and su-deciduous forest cultures have better indicators and have a class I-II bonitet, but there are not many of them. The results of this study can be used in the afforestation of sandy lands in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine and adjacent regions


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

Reference29 articles.

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