Among all genres of political discourse, political speeches can be considered as the most problematic. This is because are characterized by the use of various strategies and tools that help politicians convey a political message and persuade people to adhere to different ideologies and opinions.
First of all, it is important to note that we consider discourse as a language pattern that people use in different areas of their social life. Presidential speech is one of the subgenres of political discourse that shares the characteristics of both spoken and written discourse. This is actually a broad area worth studying. In this connection, the article aims to examine different types of repetitions (direct repetitions of sounds, words and sentences) and their function in inaugural speeches of presidents of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev and Ilham Aliyev. Inaugural speeches are distinguished by their differences, originality, and most importantly, in terms of the use of language tools.
The result of our analysis suggests that repetition is used as the main stylistic and lexico-grammatical device in the discursive strategy of the presidents to reflect inclusiveness and create shared responsibility with the audience. The research also shows that the repetitions bring an element of credibility to an idea. Repetition of any idea several times in the form of sounds, words and phrases can be reflected in the mind of the audience. It ultimately creates more convincing image in the audience.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine