New terminological units and peculiarities of their functioning in the languag




The work examines modern names, which are included in the term system as an organized lexical mass, and are used in other subject areas for the purpose of language economy. The author tries to distinguish between deterrminologization and a family of new terms, which appeared at the beginning of the third millennium in connection with the spread of coronovirus disease, as well as the Russian-Ukrainian war. The goal of the research is to analyze the peculiarities of functioning in the scientific community of some new terminological units that have appeared in our society, caused by the appearance of Kovydou and the unsupported aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Methods. The work uses a structural-typological approach to the language univercities in a synchronous and diachronic perspective, which is conditioned by the communicative discourse and is tested at the lexical level. Discussion. The innovations that appear in the vocabulary are the result of nominatio n, due to which the language units and the objects they signify are related. Also, there are some non-linguistic phenomena that are mirrored in current realities. The term Convid-19 at extraordinary speed became a part of the scientific community, was integrated into modern languages, underwent graphical adaptation, and took "forgotten" terms with it. The article reveals the peculiarities of the spread of neoterms, which are popularized by means of modern media, as well as due to the development of new technologies. The author tries to demonstrate how terms and nonterms are separated, whether there are some interfaces between the function of terms and general national vocabulary, and whether the term is de-terminologized. Conclusions. The increase in the number of terminological units and, accordingly, the volume of new terminologies, which serve them, is the result of so-called scientific revolutions, The new terminologies they serve are the result of the so-called scientific revolutions, which are carried out under the mighty influence of the factual research, which requires elaboration by means of the lexicon of the general national language.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Pharmacology (medical),Complementary and alternative medicine,Pharmaceutical Science

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