Informational Support of Journalist’s Environmental Education in the Context of Sustainable Development


Kharchenko S.,Shynkaruk V.


Introduction. The article is devoted to informational support for environmental education of journalists through electronic educational resources. Any product, in particular, educational, needs informational support. Promotion of an educational product is no less important than its creation.Methods. A number of general scientific and linguistic methods were used in the research. In particular, the methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction, the descriptive method are used to justify the theoretical base of the research and generalize our own observations. The terminological analysis is applied to the definitions of the "ecological education" concept that functions in the scientific discourse and media space. The statistical method was used to determine the level of awareness of students about the available educational resources in the Internet space.Results and discussion. The concept of "ecological education" was studied, and its refined definition was proposed. Attention was drawn to the fact that effective environmental education is not the transmission and assimilation of information, it is the formation of a system of knowledge and values of nature conservation, as well as the skills of joint implementation of effective environmental actions. It is noted that formal, non-formal and informal environmental education will increase the level of functional literacy of journalists, reduce the inflation of environmental knowledge, which will allow journalists to correctly understand environmental problems, interpret and apply appropriate approaches and methods to solving environmental issues arising in local, regional, national and global contexts, as well as apply their creative and aesthetic skills within the space of environmental journalism.It has been established that information support expands access to education for anyone and removes geographical, spatial and time frames for learning, saves time and money, helps to navigate formal education offers, choose programs and/or platforms for non-formal and informal education. Educational and scientific sites for the exchange of environmentally oriented information were considered. It was emphasized that lifelong learning of a journalist is important for his long-term success in the career and is a mandatory condition for the successful implementation of the fourth goal of sustainable development of Ukraine. The components of the informational support of the journalists’ eco-education were distinguished and the level of awareness of students about the available educational resources in the Internet space was determined. We see the prospects for further research in the following: to develop the concept of a platform where information about formal, non-formal and informal environmental education, etc., would be accumulated.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Pharmacology (medical),Complementary and alternative medicine,Pharmaceutical Science

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