
Babych O,Monashnenko A


This article is devoted to the study of the problem of media content translation during martial law. The importance of the media as an information resource in the modern world is analyzed and it considers how the military conflict affects the way information is presented. The article also examines ethical issues related to the translation of media content in conflict settings and provides examples of practical strategies to ensure objectivity and accuracy of information. The study shows that high-quality translation of media content is important for maintaining objectivity and trust in the media in crisis situations. The article examines the importance of context in the translation of media content during martial law. A translation must not only convey accurate information, but also take into account sensitive aspects and cultural characteristics that may affect the audience's perception. In addition, it is highlighted how translation can influence the formation of public opinion and stereotypes during a military conflict, which makes it an important aspect of the information space. Special attention is paid to issues of cultural equivalent in translation, as terms and expressions can have different meanings in different cultures. The article identifies the challenges faced by translators in their efforts to maintain the effectiveness and adequacy of translation in the conditions of a military conflict. In addition, the article examines the role of technology in improving the process of media content translation and ensuring speed and accuracy in emergency situations. Analyzing the use of machine translation and other innovations, it is analyzed how these tools can contribute to maintaining the objectivity and reliability of information. In general, the goal is to highlight the complexity of media content translation tasks during martial law and to contribute to the improvement of methods that allow for the highest degree of objectivity and accuracy in emergency situations.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

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