
Shynkaruk V D


This scientific article deals with the issue of syntax of coherent speech; the relationship between the sentence and the utterance is defined; it is substantiated that the transformation of a sentence (abstract speech unit, sentence scheme) into an utterance (speech unit) of great importance acquires meaningful segmentation essential for a certain situation, corresponding communicative task. To analyse the structural, semantic and pragmatic manifestations of the real language process, the functioning of syntactic units in terms of communicative nomination, the text introduces the concept of discursive utterance, taking into account a set of extralinguistic, pragmatic, psychological factors. It is proved that the concept of a textual communicative unit is most closely related to the theory of discourse - a discursive utterance - a textual combination of parcelled or segmented parts of a sentence or independent predicative units united thematically, which are related to a complete syntactic unit - a grammatical simple or complex sentence.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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