In accordance with the Standardized requirements for A1–C2 levels of proficiency in Ukrainian as a foreign language it is enough for foreigners to understand some language features of the Ukrainian language at the elementary level to realize the communication needs clearly defined by the same requirements. It is not required to know the rules of full word-inflection or word-formation paradigms for this level, so the study of grammar is fragmented and should provide simple, brief and thematically limited everyday communication. This is the reason for the relevance of this article, which formulates the main theoretical and methodological principles for teaching grammatical categories of the noun (case, gender, number) to a foreign audience at A1 level. Analyzing the meanings conveyed by the respective case forms (e.g, nomination of the subject or addressee, designation of number, direction, place, time, means of action, signs of the subject, age, etc.), a system of rules for their consolidation is proposed, which is presented in the form of tables and diagrams. The communicative themes within which certain grammatical categories can be studied are identified, and the vocabulary can be used to illustrate and consolidate the material studied. The following approach to the structure of the training material is proposed: topic or subtopic («Family», «Leisure», «Study», «Home, accommodation», etc.) – communicative intention (to answer a question, introduce oneself, inform, confirm or deny information) – lexical minimum – grammatical categories (appropriate case forms of nouns). This will be the basis for developing exercises and composing texts to develop reading, listening, speaking and writing skills. In addition, this approach allows realizing the basic principles of communicative-oriented teaching of a language as a foreign language, which at the initial level is also associated with the formation of grammatical competence.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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