Substantiation of amplitude-frequency characteristics and design parameters of vibration exciter in volume oscillation separator
Container-title:Animal Science and Food Technology
Short-container-title:Animal Science and Food Technology
Palamarchuk IORCID, , Vasyliv VORCID, Sarana VORCID, Mushtruk MORCID, Zheplinska MORCID, Burova ZORCID, Gudzenko MORCID, Filin SORCID, Omelyanov OORCID, , , , , , , ,
The main effects of the developed design for vibratory separator: the increased driving force in the process of bulk material separation in this work, achieved by providing the working cylindrical-conical container with vibrational motion; improving the conditions for the passage of product particles through openings, achieved by providing the sieve surface with volume oscillations; reduction of energy consumption and improvement of operating conditions for support nodes during the operation of the designed vibrating screen, achieved due to the installation of additional elastic elements between the separator body and bearing assemblies of the vertical drive shaft in vibration exciter. Providing the working bodies of the designed vibrating screen with volume oscillating motion allows increasing the performance and quality of the separation process of solid bulk materials. To determine the rational parameters for vibration screening process, the equations of motion of working bodies as a conical sieve surface were obtained using the method of the Lagrange equations of the second order. When applying solutions of the Cauchy problem for linear nonhomogeneous differential equations, the solution of the latter was obtained. The obtained dependences of oscillation amplitudes, vibration velocity and vibration acceleration, and the intensity of oscillating motion allowed us to perform a mathematical analysis for power and energy parameters of vibration drive in the developed separator. The inclined placement of the conical sieve surface allows for spatial gyration or circular translational motion, which makes it possible to realize the advantages of volumetric separation of bulk materials. The results of the conducted analytical study made it possible to substantiate the optimal inclination angle for working sieve surface. Based on our analysis, the design parameters of vibration exciter were substantiated and clarified, and the design of this technical system was demonstrated.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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