
Kucheryavyy V. P.ORCID,Salyuk O. O.ORCID,Skrypnyk S. V.ORCID


Honeybees can only live and work in a bee colony. There is normally only one queen bee in a standard bee colony. It is the family's only fully matured female and the mother of young queen, drone, and worker bees. When a bee colony loses its queen bee and is unable to reproduce a new one, it eventually dies. Timely change of queen bees every 2 years, as well as increasing and maintaining the strength of bee colonies are the main zootechnical measures to maintain optimal life of bees and get the maximum amount of products from them. The presence of the queen bee in the bee family of honey bees fully influences their flight activity in collecting bee pollen. In its absence, the harvesting of pollen and its processing, as well as the extraction of wax and the construction of honeycombs, the cultivation of brood, and the collection of nectar are significantly slowed down and then completely stopped. With the advent of the uterus, all the functions of the family as a whole biological system are restored. Therefore, the quality of queens is a determining factor in the viability and productivity of the bee colony. The aim of the study was to compare the quality of reproductive function of queen bees of Apis mellifera sossimai and Apis mellifera carpatica breeds in different ways of obtaining them, and the impact on productivity of the bee colony. To carry out experimental work in the apiary, three control groups and two experimental groups were formed, with nine bee colonies in each group. In the first group, the queen bees were artificially breeded from the nursery, in the second group - fistulous queens bees, and in the third - the swarm queen bees. The apiary is situated on a 50-50 meter plot of land. Hives are used to keep bee colonies. Bees are kept in the apiary of the Ukrainian field breed. A pollinating honey area is available at the apiary. A winter house, a mobile vehicle, and a suitable chamber for honey pumping are all available at the apiary. Mustard is sown around the apiary every year. According to the study, big full-fledged queen bees are born in a healthy, physiologically complete bee colony. When the strength of a bee colony was increased, the queen bees were born 30 mg lighter. The number of fallopian tubes of queen bees raised with a biological integrity breach is 185,1 ± 7,3, while the number of fallopian tubes of queen bees raised with biological integrity is 207,6 ± 7,4. If the bees bring nectar and pollen during the breeding process, the queen bees are born huge, but without the forage а little and with poor executive abilities. It makes no difference how strong the foraging is; even 200 – 300 g of nectar and pollen per day has a positive impact on the quality of queen bees produced. Fistula uteruses had higher egg production compared to swarms in the same conditions of colony development.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Reference13 articles.

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