
Trubnikova А.ORCID,Chabanova О.ORCID,Bondar S.ORCID,Sharakhmatova Т.ORCID,Nedobijchuk Т.


Optimization of the formulation of synbiotic yogurt ice cream low-lactose using lactose-free protein concentrate of buttermilk and yogurt with low lactose content is the goal of expanding the range of low-lactose dairy products and improving the functional and health properties of ice cream. Low-lactose ice cream formulation optimization was performed using a gradient numerical method, namely conjugated gradients (Conjugate Gradient). The optimization algorithm is implemented in Mathcad. An array of data with a set of indicators for the choice of a rational ratio of lactose-free protein concentrate of buttermilk and yogurt base and inulin content for ice cream mixtures is presented. The influence of the ratio of the main components of the mixtures on the foaming ability, which determines the quality of the finished product, has been studied. An important indicator is taken into account - the concentration factor of buttermilk, which is additionally purified from lactose by diafiltration. The graphic material presented in the work clearly demonstrates that the rational ratio of yogurt base and lactose-free protein concentrate of buttermilk, obtained by ultrafiltration with diafiltration purification at a concentration factor of FC = 5 is 40.6: 59.4. The content of additional components included in the recipe of a new type of ice cream is optimized in the work, the mass fractions of which were: inulin - 3.69 %; lactulose – 1 %; ginger - 0.3 %; citric acid - 0.15 %; stabilization system - 0.2 %. The chemical composition and quality indicators of the mixture for ice cream low-lactose synbiotic yogurt, consisting of raw materials in the optimal ratio, were determined. The lactose content in the test sample of the ice cream mixture was 0.99%, the antioxidant activity was 3.1 times higher than in the mixture for traditional yogurt ice cream. The most likely number of lactic acid microorganisms, CFU / cm3 is (2.8 ± 0.9) · 108, the number of bifidobacteria, CFU / cm3 is (2.5 ± 0.2) · 109. The results of the research will be implemented in dairy companies in the production of ice cream.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

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