Abstract. Aim. To study the psychoemotional state of patients with purulent-necrotic complications of diabetic foot syndrome (DFS), who used the device for offloading of foot developed by us during the martial law in Ukraine and to compare it with the results of health-related quality of life indicators in peacetime.
Materials and methods. All operated patients had stage 3 or 4 of the pathological process on the foot according to the Meggitt-Wagner classification, a neuroischemic form of DFS. The first group includes 28 patients who received prescribed treatment before the introduction of martial law in the country; the second group – 24 patients who were treated during martial law. The psychoemotional state of patients with purulent-necrotic complications of DFS was studied on the 1st and 20th days using the «Emotions» subscale from the «Illness Impact Profile» questionnaire; index of general (good) well-being/ WHO, version 1999; hospital anxiety and depression scale.
Results and discussion. The indicators of patients of the first group according to the subscale «Emotions» on the 1st day — (85.7±14.3) points, and of the second group — (104.6±16.1) points. In the group of patients who were interviewed before martial law, the result of the general well-being index was (48.4±1.2). Patients of the second group have (43.5±1.1). Anxiety level: (7.5±0.3) points and (8.7±0.4) points; level of depression: (6.4±0.5) points and (7.6±0.4), respectively. Although the indicators remain unsatisfactory on the 20th day, the tendency towards the improvement of the psychoemotional state is already becoming obvious. The difference in indicators between the two groups remains, which is explained by the influence of military events.
Conclusions. In the second group, worse indicators were found for the psychoemotional component of health-related quality of life, both on the 1st and 20th days. The worse dynamics of the improvement of the specified indicators on the 20th day were recorded. In the first group, according to the «Emotions» subscale, there was an improvement of 63.1 %, in the second group — by 36.2 %; the general well-being index increased by 40.1 % and 25.1 %, respectively. If in the first group, the anxiety index decreased by 16 %, and depression by 20.3 %, then in the second group, the anxiety index decreased by 12.6 %, and depression — by 10.6 %.
Institute of General and Emergency Surgery Named after V.T. Zaitsev NAMS of Ukraine
Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,General Medicine
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