Goltsev K. A.,Kryvoruchko I. A.,Cheverda V. M.
Summary. The article deals with the current state of the features of the pathogenesis of purulent wounds of the lower extremities that do not heal for a long time. According to the studied literature sources of domestic and foreign authors, to reveal the mechanisms of matrix synthesis and the remodeling phase, the role of cytokines in the inflammatory response, as well as the participation of nitric oxide in the reaction with hydroxyl free radicals with the formation of peroxide nitrate a reactogenic free radical capable of tissue destruction and induction apoptosis
The conclusion states that it is possible to state the interest of researchers in the problem of pathogenesis and to point out the relevance of the study for the purpose of further developments regarding the improvement of complex treatment of patients with GRT of the lower extremities.
Institute of General and Emergency Surgery Named after V.T. Zaitsev NAMS of Ukraine
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