Duzhyi I. D.,Myronov P. F.,Ivakhniuk T. V.,Holubnycha V. M.,Pshenychnyi R. M.,Bugaiov V. I.
Summary. The effectiveness of treatment of experimental purulent wounds with the simultaneous use of copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) and low-frequency ultrasound (US) was investigated.
Aim. To study the effectiveness of the treatment of experimental purulent wounds of the CuNPs under conditions of ultrasonic cavitation.
Materials and methods. The study was performed on an experimental model of purulent wounds of 36 laboratory rats. All experimental animals were divided into 3 groups: in the first group, treatment was carried out with CuNPs, in the second group - CuNPs and low-frequency US, in the third – with 0.05 % chlorhexidine solution. The following parameters of the course of the wound process were investigated: the presence of perifocal edema, hyperemia, exudation, purulent secretions, fibrin, detritus, the terms of wound cleansing from purulent-necrotic tissues, the appearance of granulations and epithelization were determined.
Results and discussion. A detailed analysis of the wound process indicators showed that the use of copper nanoparticles in combination with low-frequency ultrasound accelerates the regression of local signs of inflammation, leads to faster rejection of purulent-necrotic tissues, stimulates the appearance of granulations, and ensures faster epithelization of wound surfaces. Rejection of purulent-necrotic tissues in the CuNPs group took place in (6.3±1.3) days, in the CuNPs/US group – in (2.9±0.7) days, in the control group – in (7.1±0.7) days. The appearance of granulations in the CuNPs group was observed for (7.1±1.4) days, in the CuNPs/US group – for (3.6±0.9) days, and in the control group – for (7.4±0.9) days.
Conclusions. The combined use of copper nanoparticles and low-frequency ultrasound allows to shorten the treatment period of experimental purulent wounds and has prospects for application in the practice of purulent surgery.
Institute of General and Emergency Surgery Named after V.T. Zaitsev NAMS of Ukraine