Shaprynskyi V. O.,Mikhurinskyi D. V.,Kobiakov O. V.
Abstract. Soft tissue injuries of the head and neck are a fairly common pathology that has a number of negative consequences - both psycho-emotional and functional in nature. As a result, scars are formed, which can provoke a number of functional complications, such as limitation of mobility, discomfort during movements, paresthesia, contracture, loss of sensitivity. The article presents the optimal method of surgical treatment of hypertrophic scars on the flexural surfaces of the head and neck.
Goal. To improve the results of surgical treatment of patients with scars on the flexural surfaces of the head and neck by using rotary flaps.
Conclusions. The method of sharp excision of the scar with rotational flaps is quite effective for existing hypertrophic scars in the flexural areas of the neck. Moving the scar to a more natural anatomical plane - horizontal, makes it possible to avoid tension during rotational movements. The use of a natural furrow of the skin - provides a masking and aesthetic effect.
Institute of General and Emergency Surgery Named after V.T. Zaitsev NAMS of Ukraine
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