Boyko V. V.,Merkulov A. A.,Shevchenko O. M.,Beloded E. A.
Summary. The aim of the work is to improve the results of treatment of patients with acute adhesive intestinal obstruction in the postoperative period by correcting the proteolytic activity of small intestinal contents
Materials and methods. 62 patients were operated on for acute adhesive intestinal obstruction. All patients underwent nasogastrointestinal intubation with aspiration of intestinal contents and subsequent prolonged intestinal decompression.
Research results. In the second group, after intestinal lavage with α-aminocaproic acid, a decrease in total proteolytic activity was observed both in the contents of the small intestine and in blood serum.
Conclusions. The use of intestinal lavage with the use of aminocaproic acid leads to a faster normalization of total proteolytic activity both in the contents of the small intestine and in the blood serum, to a decrease in the α1-antiproteinase inhibitor, proteolysis index, and also contributes to an earlier elimination of intestinal paresis.
Institute of General and Emergency Surgery Named after V.T. Zaitsev NAMS of Ukraine
Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,General Medicine
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