Shaprynskyi V. O.,Taheiev V. R.,Urvan O. G.
Summary. The purpose of the work. The investigation of the pathomorphological changes of the large intestine in diverticular disease and their causes.
Materials and methods. In accordance with the task, we investigated the pathomorphological changes of the colon in diverticular disease and the causes of their occurrence, using pathohistological preparations of 17 patients who were treated at the Clinical Highly Specialized Surgical Center with Minimally Invasive Technologies at the Municipal Non-Conmercial Enterprise «Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Hospital named after M. I. Pyrogova» of the Vinnytsia Regional Council.
Research results and their discussion. We examined the pathohistological preparations of 17 patients operated for diverticular disease of the colon at the Clinical Highly Specialised Surgical Center with Minimally Invasive Technologies at the Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Hospital named after M. I. Pirogov of the Vinnytsia Regional Council. Studies have shown that one of the morphological criteria for the development of a diverticulum was a change in the muscular elements of the mucous and muscular membranes. Electron microscopy results confirmed that the wall of the colon in diverticulosis contains structurally normal muscle cells, but contains twice as much elastin, located between the muscle cells in the tenia, which is in a shortened form and probably causes the shortening of the tenia and, as a result, the convergence of the circular muscles. This leads to an increase in haustration, an increase in the spastic readiness of the intestine, which causes the mucous and submucosal membranes to loosen in weak areas.
Institute of General and Emergency Surgery Named after V.T. Zaitsev NAMS of Ukraine
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