1. Sri Devaraj Urs College of Nursing, Tamaka, Karnataka, India
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease, involving inappropriately elevated blood glucose levels. Patients are discharged from hospitals and rehabilitation centers in the continuum of care than ever before. It’s been the vital role of home health care nurses is increasingly important as patients are discharged from hospitals and rehabilitation centers early in the course of illness and require more sophisticated nursing management at home. The study aimed to understand the Knowledge of Caretakers regarding the Management of patients Diagnosed with Type II Diabetes Mellitus by using a Structured Knowledge Questionnaire. A descriptive survey design was adopted among 70 caretakers at R.L. Jalappa hospital & Research center by using a purposive sampling technique. After obtaining the IEC clearance and permission from the concerned authorities followed by data collection carried out by using validated structured Knowledge questionnaire. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 descriptive statistics & inferential statistics such as frequency, percentage and chi-square.The study results revealed that,90.4% of caretakers had inadequate knowledge and remaining with moderate knowledge with 9.6% and none of them found to have adequate knowledge. There was found no significant association between the knowledge and selected socio demographic variables. Therefore the study highlighted that, it’s a significant to emphasize the awareness regarding management of patients diagnosed with Type II Diabetes mellitus and to enhance the knowledge of caretakers.
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