1. D
2. Dr. Shankarrao Chavan Government Medical College, Nandan, Maharashtra, India
: Back pain being the most common complaint faced by medical practitioner poses a great burden over health system. Clinical examination, MRI helps in making diagnosis in this spectrum of diseases. Of many modalities available selective nerve root block offer a micro invasive alternative for treatment and even evaluation of patients. Peri-ganglionic selective nerve root block given in patient after complete clinical and radiological evaluation of patient. Patient was postoperatively followed up for 6 months with augmentation with physiotherapy and traction. Functional evaluation of patient done using VAS score, Modified Oswestry lower back pain disability questionnaire 6 months post-operatively.: 25 patients included in this study showed a female prevalence with majority patients from 45-60 years of age group. L4 was the most common nerve root involved. In the study significant reduction in VAS score, Modified Oswestry lower back pain disability questionnaire score 6 month post-operatively found. VAS score was reduced from 8.24 to 3.28 and Modified Oswestry lower back pain disability questionnaire score from 31 to 12.76.: Selective nerve root block is an effective method for evaluation and treatment of degenerative spine diseases patients. Which provide significant pain and symptomatic relief. Accompanied with vigorous back strengthening exercises this can offer a good functional outcome. This can act as a good screening tool for patients with degenerative spine diseases without red-flag signs for operative intervention. Future studies are warranted on this with larger sample size.
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