1. Indoco Remedies Limited, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
2. , Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Digital Eye Strain (DES) is currently an emerging public health threat. The strain is directly proportional to the duration of digital screen exposure (screens of mobiles, computers, laptops, tablets). Digital Eye Strain is characterized by dry eyes, itching, foreign body sensation, watering, blurring of vision, and headache. According to the American Optometric Association, the usage of digital devices continuously for two hours is adequate to bring in digital eye strain. The increased time spent on the electronic and digital gadgets is the sole contributor of DES. It is estimated that the a person spends nearly 4.5–7 hours a day on the computer/cell phones either at the office or at home. Management options for DES are symptoms-based and include a holistic and comprehensive approach, from the management of refractive errors and ocular surface dryness to providing workplace recommendations to improve visual comfort. Lubricating drops may reduce dry eye symptoms such as dryness, irritation, ocular discomfort, tiredness. Blinking exercises can also help in DES.
IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd