Study of demographic profile and causes of visual impairment amongst patients seeking visual disability certificate in tertiary care center, Jodhpur, Rajasthan


Sankhla Priyanka1ORCID,Chauhan Arvind2,Sulaniya Megha


1. Dr. S.N Medical College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India

2. D


To identify various causes of visual impairment in patients seeking visual disability certificate and study the demographic characteristics of visually disabled population. Cross-sectional study of patients seeking visual disability certificate from November 2014 to April 2015 was done. Cause of visual impairment was ascertained after detailed examination which included slit-lamp examination, direct ophthalmoscopy, indirect ophthalmoscopy, slit-lamp biomicroscopy with 90D lens, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and/or ERG/VEP and MRI, CT scan, Ultrasonography (USG) in selected cases.Out of 250 cases in the study, most of them were in the age group of 21-40 years (44.80%). Mean age was 34.25 years. Male cases (192) were more compared to female (58) in this study. Male to female ratio was 3.31: 1. The cause for which most disability certificate issued was congenital anomalies (18.40%) followed by Other Retinal Pathology (15.20%) and retinitis pigmentosa (14.80%) and least were staphyloma (4%) and empty socket (4.80%). High number of eye were blind due to congenital diseases and retinitis pigmentosa explains the need of genetic counselling. Avoiding trauma, early diagnosis and treatment is necessary to prevent blindness from avoidable causes. Rehabilitation includes the provision of vocational and functional training as well as social and legislative service support. This is with a view to enhancing the chances of the affected individuals particularly children, who have their whole life ahead of them, to acquire a means of livelihood, improved social interaction and enhanc self-dignity.


IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd


General Medicine

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