An alarming complication of hexdriver ingestion: A caution for implantologists: A clinical report


Koluguri Kavya1ORCID,N S Mamatha2,Sunny Sweeda,Prabhachandra Shrutha,Begum Nabeela


1. Rajarajeshwari Dental College and Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

2. R


Implant dentistry has been a breakthrough invention for the rehabilitation of partially and completely edentulous patients for a few decades, but an advancing complication associated with implant procedures is the accidental ingestion or aspiration of dental implant components (implants, cover screws, abutments, implant instruments etc.) A radiographic evaluation is essential to confirm the presence of a foreign body. Generally, instruments that enter the gastrointestinal tract pass asymptomatically within 4 days to 2 weeks. Occasionally, a surgical approach is requisite to remove the instrument when there is some complication in the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, a legitimate diagnosis is essential to avoid unnecessary surgical intervention. However, the knowledge of such incidents, their treatment protocols and preventive measures are to be known to every clinician performing implant treatments in order to deal with such situations effectively. This article presents a case report of accidental ingestion of the hex driver used during the clinical procedures in implant dentistry and its management.


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