Cytological evaluation of spectrum of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic mass lesions


Hazarika Ekaparna1,Devi Junu2


1. G

2. Gauhati Medical College & Hospital, Guwahati, Assam, India


Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic mass lesions are commonly occurring intra-abdominal space occupying lesions. Image guided FNAC enables exact localization of the lesion, assessment of nature and invasion and is a useful tool in the diagnosis of such lesions. The present study aims to evaluate the spectrum of hepatobiliary mass lesions diagnosed by Image guided FNAC. We have conducted a retrospective study in Department of Pathology, Gauhati Medical College & Hospital, Guwahati, for a period of 5 years, including patients of all ages and both sexes presenting with clinical and radiological suspicion of hepatic, biliary or pancreatic mass lesion. Under aseptic conditions USG guidance FNAC was done from the appropriate site and smears were examined. Out of the total 135 patients, there were 70 cases of Hepatic lesions (51.8%), followed by 54 cases taken from Gall bladder (GB) (40%), 5 cases from Common Bile Duct (CBD) (3.7%) and 6 cases (4.44%) from Pancreatic lesions. There were 51 cases of hepatic malignancies, 36 GB malignancies, 4 cases each of CBD and pancreatic malignancies. The most common Hepatic malignancies were Metastases followed by Hepatocellular carcinoma. The most common GB malignancy was Adenocarcinoma, followed by Cholangiocarcinoma. There was 1 case each of Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm of Pancreas, Acinar Cell carcinoma, Mucinous Adenocarcinoma and HCC. These findings were in concordance with our reference studies. Image guided FNAC has proved to be a versatile tool in provide an early and accurate diagnosis of hepatobiliary and pancreatic mass lesions.


IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd


General Medicine

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