Kaur Dupinder,Agarwal Pooja
Hematological parameters like Hb (haemoglobin), TC (total count), DC (differential count), PCV (packed cell volume), MCV (mean red cell corpuscular volume) done in the automated cell counter and peripheral smear findings were studied. Observational study.Out of 250 cases, 192 i.e. 76.8% cases showed microcytic hypochromic anaemia, 30 cases i.e. 12% had normocytic hypochromic anaemia, 27 cases i.e. 10.6% had normocytic normochromic anaemia and dimorphic anaemia was seen in 02 cases i.e. 0.6% cases.Out of 250 cases, 193 i.e. 77.2% cases showed microcytosis maximally in 0-5 years age group and 57 cases i.e. 22.8% had normocytic picture. The distribution of peripheral smear (RBC size) finding with age varied significantly (p value <0.05). Iron deficiency is almost universal when dealing with this magnitude of anaemia. However, clinically speaking, many technical experts believe that to differentiate severe anaemia, a screening for other causes is desirable, all males are recommended to be screened. In the present study of pediatric cases 0-5 years age group males were most affected and prevalence was more in males as compared to females and the predominant morphological pattern was microcytic hypochromic anaemia.
IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd