Managing the deep carious lesion biomimetically without pulpal involvement


Mittal Rishu1,Hooda Shivani2


1. Subdivisonal Hospital Kalka, Panchkula, Haryana, India

2. Dental Panchkula, Panchkula, India, Haryana


During the last 20 years, the restorative approach has evolved from the mechanical retention to the advanced adhesion. This transition was fostered by the development and the improvements in the adhesive materials and the increasing demand of the esthetics among the patients. Resultingly, Composites today have become the material of choice for both the anterior as well as posterior restorations. The Science, Principles and the techniques of advanced adhesive dentistry are known as biomimetic dentistry. The major goal of biomimetic dentistry is to preserve the vitality of the pulp and conserve maximum intact tooth structure. The management of deep carious lesions approaching a healthy pulp presents a significant challenge to a clinician. The traditional management of carious lesions dictates the removal of all the infected and affected dentin. Several studies call this approach into question. This article presents a systematic approach to manage the deep carious lesions in the vital teeth preserving its vitality & conserving maximum intact tooth structure for the long term biomimetic function.


IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd

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