1. Techno India University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
In mammalian physiology the dead cells of body and cellular debris could not be digested by body’s own cellular mechanism. Macrophage is a component living inside the cell sometimes engulf the unrequired cell debris by phagocytosis and became dead by its own, this type of death inside macrophage is called ‘‘Macrophage Death’’ which has been done for our good cytosolic condition. Macrophage death is about many types those have been disclosed later and referred as ‘‘Programmed Cell Death.’’Apoptosis, Autophagy, Necrophagy all are different types of cell death associated with macrophage. When cytotoxicity of a cell condition leads to a cell destroy by its own then often it’s referred as a ‘‘Cellular Suicide’’ where cells die by itself.Macrophages death is a complicated mechanism which directly involves with ER stress, oxidative stress, lost mitochondrial functional ability, lysosomal outburst and other cell particulates dysfunctioning.
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