1. , Bangalore, Karnataka, India
2. Government Dental College and Research Institute, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Treatment of a patient presenting with Class II malocclusion requires careful diagnosis and treatment planning to resolve esthetic, occlusal, and functional problems. Over the decades numerous treatment options have been presented to treat class II malocclusions. Orthodontic camouflage being a cost-effective, non-surgical treatment option has been well accepted by patients to mask their underlying skeletal discrepancy, while providing acceptable facial esthetics and occlusion.This case report presents the treatment by four first premolar extractions followed by Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device (FFRD) therapy in a 14 years old female patient with skeletal Class II base due to the retrognathic mandible, proclined upper and lower front teeth with an overjet of 5 mm, and unwilling for surgery in the future.After undergoing the treatment, an optimal static and functional occlusion was attained, yielding a favorable outcome.
IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd