1. Yenepoya Medical College, Dept of Ophthalmology, Karnataka, India
Visual rehabilitation following cataract surgery with compromised capsular bag includes various options like anterior chamber (ACIOL), fixation to the iris (Iris claw IOL), or fixation to the sclera (SFIOL), as a primary or secondary procedure. We studied the clinical outcome in patients who underwent 4- point fixation of SFIOLs. Retrospective data analysis of fourteen patients who underwent sclera fixated intraocular lens implantation from 2016 to 2018 at our institute under standard operative conditions was done. The postoperative vision by three months ranged from LogMAR 1.0 – 0.2, out of fourteen patients, BCVA in 60 % of the patients ranged from LogMAR 0.3-0.2 which was maintained at six months follow up with minimal complications. 4- point fixation of scleral fixated IOL is a good option with favourable outcome, in aphakics who are not ideal candidates for iris claw lens.
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