1. CMR College of Engineering & Technology, Affili.: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University JNTU, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
This study introduces new theory into the anatomical-structure, the head and neck, and followed by the neck. The harm or injury (damage) to the cervical benevolent ganglia might trigger “Horner-syndrome”, which is ipsi lateral ptosis, miosis, as well as “facial—anhidrosis”. Loss (damage, injury, destruction, etc.) to these anatomical-structures might cause to “first-bite-syndrome (FBS)”, with which the FB of nutrition/food is excruciating as a result in consequence of ‘autonomic-dysfunction’ attributable to traumatic-injuries within the (“deep parotid space DPS”) also exceptional cervix-ganglia (of the neck of the uterus). So, patient required to be anxious regarding variability of “phrenic-nerve” at any time. In case of C3,C4, and/or C5 adaxial/ventral branches (rami) are cracked, then that may hinder through the diaphragm properly functioning. sternocleidomastoid muscle The torticollishappens as sterno cleido mastoid (SCM) muscle condenses or contracts(muscle contractions) intermittently, triggering a changing of open-neck parallel (reverse) to a omolous muscle-cross or edge which will happen in biological provided the “SCM” is injured, and which can leads to “fibrosis” plus buttering of “muscle-fibers”. Which also happens because of improved “muscle-tone”, and/or dystonic-muscle-spasms or cramps, stemming as of emotive anxiety pressure tension-stress, and or unexpected actions (movements) or activities. However, while assessing the traumatic-injuries or damages, so it`s important to exclude/or prevent some carotid observing and separating within open-neck.
IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd
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