1. Bapuji Dental College and Hospital, Karnataka, India
: Anterior mandibular fracture management is commonly dealt in oral and maxillofacial surgery and most accepted treatment modality is open reduction and internal fixation with miniplates. With ongoing research, various shapes of miniplates were tried for osteosynthesis and biomechanical properties tested in invitro studies, but they lack testing in clinical scenarios. The present study was conducted to compare clinically and radio graphically, the efficacy of double Y-shaped mini plate with two conventional 4 hole mini plates in management of anterior mandibular fractures. : Study consisted of 20 patients, 10 in each group with anterior mandibular fractures. 10 patients (group 1) were treated with double ‘Y’ shaped miniplate with bar and 10 patients (group 2) with conventional 4 hole two miniplates. Clinically post-operative Pain, edema, occlusion, neurosensory deficit and wound healing were assessed. Clinical evaluation was done at 1st postop day, 1st week, and 1st and 3rd month postoperatively. Radiographic evaluation was done to record fracture gap in both the groups and timing for plate adaptation and fixation was recorded intra-operatively. The data was recorded and statistical analysis was done.: Clinical and radiographic evaluation done for each group did not show any statistical difference at 3 months postoperatively. However significant difference was noted in time taken for adaptation and fixation of plates and screws. Double ‘Y’ shaped miniplate was found to be easier to place and required less time to adapt and fix to bone compared to 4-hole miniplates. The study concluded that the double ‘Y’ miniplate and conventional 4-hole miniplates are found to be equally effective for clinical use in treatment of anterior mandibular fractures. The double ‘Y’ miniplate were found to be superior in terms of handling characteristics, less hardware and better radiographic outcome when compared to conventional 4-hole miniplates.
IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd
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