1. KMCT Dental College, Mukkam, Kerala, India
2. M
The present study was aimed to evaluate the morphologic changes of nose and lip after Lefort 1 osteotomy using clinical and cephalometric parameters A prospective study to evaluate soft tissue changes after Lefort 1 osteotomy which includes 30 individuals of 18-35 years of age presented with dentofacial deformities. Our Study employs the measurement of nasolabial variables using Vernier caliper and lateral cephalograms. These values were recorded and tabulated under T (pre-operative) and T(6 months Post-operative). The final soft tissue changes were analyzed with paired t- test. Our study revealed statistically highly significant (p<0.001) increase in Alar base width, Nasolabial angle, Nasal tip angle and statistically significant (p<0.05) decrease in nasal tip protrusion. Alar base widening is a definitive sequela after Lefort 1 osteotomy even after adopting techniques like alar base cinch suturing and V-Y closure. This warrants that further modifications or innovations are required for preventing these undesirable morphological changes.
IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd