Management of endo perio lesion with class iii furcation defect –A case report


Inasu Shiny1ORCID,Thomas Biju2


1. Nitte (Deemed to be University), Deralakatte Mangalore, Karnataka, India

2. N


The primary aim of periodontal and endodontic therapy is to restore the lost periodontium and maintain the natural dentition. An ideal endodontic treatment involves removal of any infected pulp completely, preventing or minimizing any chances of reinfection, with proper irrigation and drying of canals, care to be taken not to break any file during cleaning and shaping of canals, proper obturation and not over or under filling of canals, proper sealing, proper restoration and an ideal crown placement. An ideal periodontal treatment involves scaling and root planing, proper reflection of flap to visualize the furcation areas, removal of diseased soft tissue surrounding the lesion and furcation areas and giving adequate oral hygiene instructions. Based on grade of furcation defects, suitable treatment modalities should be chosen. This case report aims at managing an endo-perio lesion involving class III furcation defect using tunneling technique.


IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd

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