The management of dental pain using pharmaceutical drugs-A review


Christabel. S Linda,Sophia Khumukcham1,Sebastian Shalini Maria2,Claribel. S Merrylda,Devi Mutum Sangeeta


1. Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal, Manipur, India

2. J


Pain is an undesirable sensation that any person would never want to experience. Dental pain is unbearable as the inflammation of the dental pulp is encased by hard dentin and cementum unlike other parts of the body and that deteriorates the normal lifestyle of the person experiencing it. Patients experience extreme pain till the commencement of any dental treatment. Though the right treatment procedure relieves the cause of the pain, post-operative pain exists till the complete healing occurs. This proves to us the importance of dental analgesics. There are many analgesics available and not everything will be appropriate. Proper selection of analgesics helps in the betterment of the patient’s status. This article reviews the commonly available analgesics and their pharmacological aspects which help in managing dental pain.


IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd

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