1. Maharani Lakshmi Bai Medical College, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India
In this short review we are presenting few cases of dengue infection with reversible neurological manifestation. It is our attempt to put light on these diseases, to strengthen the neurotropic propensity of Dengue virus and prompt diagnosis and management of the same.7 cases were chosen from 22 cases of dengue infection with neurological complication which were presented in the Department of Neurology from July 22 to October 22. We present here with salient clinical and radiological features of those cases.In this case series we would like to show the neurotropic character of dengue virus targeting different part of nervous system through a plethora of mechanism. The main ideas of these case series is to help clinicians to identify different neurological manifestation of the dengue infection, which are mostly reversible and helping in proper and prompt treatment of the same.
IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd
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